Corporate Engagement Playbook

A 7-stage framework designed by Win-Win Strategies

Win-Win Strategies (WWS) developed this Corporate Engagement course, designed as a series of online, self-paced learning modules, with the belief that partnerships can improve the impact and strengthen the capabilities of both private sector companies and women's rights organisations.
Watch Intro Video

About this course

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course!

    • Introduction to the Course

    • About the Learning Journey

    • Introduction to Women's Rights Organisations

    • Introduction to Corporate "Champions"

    • Tell us about you! Complete this baseline survey.

  • 2

    020 Pre-Course Lesson: COVID-19

    • COVID-19 Implications

    • Let's Get Started!

  • 3

    Stage 1: Internal Assessment

    • Introduction: Stage 1

    • Learning Objectives: Stage 1

    • Downloadable Slides: Stage 1

    • 101 - Self, People and Processes

    • 102 - Personal Leadership

    • 102 - Exercise: Self-Assessment

    • 103 - Organisational Leadership

    • 103 - Exercise: Fit-for-Partnering Assessment

    • Women's Rights Organisations' Perspectives: Stage 1

    • Case Study: Developing a Fundraising Strategy

  • 4

    Stage 2: Define a Reason to Partner

    • Introduction: Stage 2

    • Learning Objectives: Stage 2

    • Downloadable Slides: Stage 2

    • 201 - Types of Resources

    • 201 - Exercise: Types of Resources

    • 202 - Relationship Spectrum

    • 202 - Exercise: Resource Mapping

    • 203 - Corporate Social Investment

    • 203 - Exercise: Corporate Social Investment Model

    • Women's Rights Organisations Perspectives on Stage 2

    • Corporate Perspectives on Stage 2

    • Case Study: Define a Reason to Partner

  • 5

    Stage 3: Analyse the Landscape

    • Introduction: Stage 3

    • Learning Objectives: Stage 3

    • Downloadable Slides: Stage 3

    • 301 - Sources of Funding

    • 301 - Exercise: Sources of Funding

    • 302 - The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility

    • 302 - Reflection Exercise

    • 303 - Stakeholder Mapping

    • 303 - Exercise: Stakeholder Mapping

    • 304 - Stakeholder Engagement Continuum

    • 304 - Exercise: Stakeholder Engagement

    • Women's Rights Organisations Perspectives on Stage 3

    • Corporations Perspectives on Stage 3

    • Case Study: WHEAT, local fundraising, and corporates

  • 6

    Stage 4: Guiding Principles & Due Diligence

    • Introduction: Stage 4

    • Learning Objectives: Stage 4

    • Downloadable Slides: Stage 4

    • 401 - Guiding Principles and Due Diligence

    • 401 - Exercise: Guiding Principles

    • 402 - Conducting Due Diligence

    • Women's Rights Organisations Perspectives on Stage 4

    • Corporations Perspectives on Stage 4

    • Case Study: "Shared Vision and Mission: A Donor's Perspective"

  • 7

    Stage 5: Unique Value Proposition

    • Introduction: Stage 5

    • Learning Objectives: Stage 5

    • Downloadable Slides: Stage 5

    • 501 - Capabilities Statement

    • 501 - Exercise: Capabilities Statement

    • 502 - Finding Shared Value

    • 502 - Exercise: Detecting your Unique Value Proposition

    • 503 - How To Build a Message

    • 504 - Developing Your Pitch

    • 504 - Exercise: The Pitch

    • Women's Rights Organisations Perspectives on Stage 5

    • Corporations Perspectives on Stage 5

    • Case Study: "Unique Value Proposition"

  • 8

    Stage 6: Perform Risk Analysis

    • Introduction: Stage 6

    • Learning Objectives: Stage 6

    • Downloadable Slides: Stage 6

    • 601 - Risk Analysis Mapping

    • 601 - Exercise: Conducting Risk Analysis for a Company

    • 602 - Managing Risk

    • 602 - Exercise: Managing Risk

    • Women's Rights Organisations Perspectives on Stage 6

    • Case Study: "Risk Analysis"

  • 9

    Stage 7: Set Goals & Action Plan

    • Introduction: Stage 7

    • Learning Objectives: Stage 7

    • Downloadable Slides: Stage 7

    • 701 - SMART Goals and Action Plan

    • 701 - Exercise: Setting SMART Goals

    • 702 - Exercise: Prioritization Matrix

    • Case Study: "SMART Planning"

  • 10

    Seven Stage Corporate Engagement - Conclusion

    • Congratulations!

    • Main Takeaways and Advice

    • Unique Insights and Experience

    • Common Challenges from the corporate perspective

    • Common Challenges from the women's rights organisations

    • Let us know how it went. Please complete this endline survey to help us improve.

    • Congratulations from Win Win Strategies!