Turning Insights Into Impact

We collaborate with diverse partners and experts to increase assets, access, voice, and agency for women and girls around the world. We provide open access to a curated collection of e-learning training modules, toolkits and community resources. This Learning Lab will help guide your work with women and girls within the realms of sport, empowerment and economic resilience

  • Toolkits

    This curated hub provides relevant information that guides you on how to either develop, improve and implement promising practices within your organisation.

  • e-learning Training Modules

    We offer online training modules and workshops to develop your knowledge and increase your confidence to help strive and achieve gender equity through sport and cross-sector collaborations.

  • Community Resources

    The resource library is an open access collection of the industry’s most relevant material spanning across topics, challenges and necessary actions towards achieving gender equity in and off the sport field.

Women Win - Our solutions

Achieving gender equity is a big job. Alongside Women Win, Win-Win Strategies and GRLS are our two ‘daughter’ brands helping leverage expertise in the empowering practices of girls and women on and off the sports field. Click on each of the brands to find tailored resources.

New resources available

Interested in learning more? Be the first to find out about our new upcoming tools and workshops!